Third project of the Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree covers the aspects of the data wrangling: gathering, extracting, cleaning and storing the data. I was supposed to choose the region and wrangle the data set of the OpenStreetMap. I’ve chosen the place where I live - Gastein valley - one of the most popular tourist destinations in Austria, which is famous for the great skiing area and thermal water. In my project I’m going to concentrate on the accommodation data (hotels, apartments, etc.) as it’s always important for the travel industry.
Problems encountered in your map¶
After downloading the data of the Gastein valley and I’ve run a number of explorational functions in my python program to identify which tag’s keys and values are used to code accommodations, their address and other contact information. While there was no much rubbish in the data, I noticed three main problems with the data, which I will discuss in the following order:
- Different writing of the street names (using “-” and spaces)
- Part of the accommodations don’t have the address information
- Phone number is written always differently
Different writing of the street names¶
There are different ways how to harmonize street writing: we might use the language rules or the official list issued by the government (if exists). In German language, the rules of writing the street names are quite complicated. So, I’ve found the catalog of streets[1], issued by the government and use it as a standard. I’m comparing the streets in osm file with the standard writing and, if the writing is different, I’m searching the replacement using get_close_matches function from difflib library.
def get_street_std_list():
function uses the csv file with standard writing of the cities, streets and postcodes,
created by the government, and create the list street_std_list of the reference writing
of the street names
with open(street_std_file,'rb') as f:
addr = csv.DictReader(f,delimiter=';')
for elem in addr:
def street_std(el):
the function compares the street spelling in accommodation dictionary with the reference
list of the streets. If the spelling is incorrect, the function use get_close_matches from
difflib library to return the closest street from the reference street list and updates the
street in the accommodation dictionary
if len(street_std_list) == 0:
if el and 'address' in el and 'street' in el['address'] and \
el['address']['street'].encode('utf-8') not in street_std_list:
el['address']['street'] = get_close_matches(el['address']['street'].encode('utf-8'),\
street_std_list, n=1)[0].decode('utf-8')
return el
Part of the accommodations don’t have the address information¶
The most frustrating thing for me, if I decide to build the catalog of accommodations, is the fact that such an important information like address is missing in some of the cases. So, I’ve decided to use Google Places API to extend the information about my accommodations.
I’m using two-step process to get the necessary information: first I’m searching for the place using latitude and longitude information which is always available in OSM data. Even if the accommodation is coded with “way” object but not “node”, I’m using the coordinates of the referenced node. As a response, I’m receiving place_id, which I can use on the second step to get address.
def google_adr(el):
function google_adr is trying to get address of the aacoomodation using google places api
It takes an accommodation dictionary as a parameter, updates it with the address information
if possible and returns the dictionary back.
Function tries to find the place first by lat and lon from the dictionary and radius 25 meters.
If the response file contains object with the type "lodging", it takes the place id and creates
another request to get data about the place. If response contains address information in
address_components element, function updates the dictionary.
url = ',%f&radius;=25&key;='\
%(el["pos"][0],el["pos"][1]) + API_KEY
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code ==
for response in r.json()['results']:
if "lodging" in response['types']:
place_id = response['place_id']
url2 = ';='\
r2 = requests.get(url2)
if r2.status_code ==
if 'result' in r2.json():
for elem in r2.json()['result']['address_components']:
if elem['types'][0] == 'street_number':
el['address']['housenumber'] = elem['long_name']
if elem['types'][0] == 'route':
el['address']['street'] = elem['long_name']
if elem['types'][0] == 'locality':
el['address']['city'] = elem['long_name']
if elem['types'][0] == 'country':
el['address']['country'] = elem['short_name']
if elem['types'][0] == 'postal_code':
el['address']['postcode'] = elem['short_name']
el = street_std(el)
el = postcode_audit(el)
print "error"
return el
After getting the information, again I’m comparing the street with the standard writing. Google address data has some issues, f.ex. With postcodes format (f.ex. 5640 vs. A-5640). So I’ve written the small function using the regular expression to elaborate this:
def postcode_audit(el):
function postcode_audit takes the element as a parameter and, it's a postcode,
returns the 4 digits code of the austrian postcode and deleter all other symbols if they occur
if 'postcode' in el['address']:
if len(el['address']['postcode'])>4:
m ='\d\d\d\d$',el['address']['postcode'])
if m:
el['address']['postcode'] =
return el
Phone number is written always differently¶
Phone numbers are written quite different. So I’ve just decided to use single format for all of them. I’ve realized it using the sequence of regular expressions and re.sub function.
def phone_audit(el):
function takes the phone and fax numbers in the accommodation dictionaries (if exist)
and harmonize it to the single format +43*********.
Function uses 4 regular expressions to do that:
1) if the number starts from 0043 instead of +43, change to +43
2) if the number has (0) after +43, takes it away
3) deletes all spaces, - and / symbols from the phone
4) deletes the 0 after +43 if it was in the number without parenthesis
if "phone" in el:
# 1
el['phone'] = re.sub(r'^00','+',el['phone'])
# 2
el['phone'] = re.sub(r'\(0\)','',el['phone'])
# 3
el['phone'] = '+'+re.sub(r'[ -//]','',el['phone'])
# 4
el['phone'] = re.sub(r'^\+430',"+43",el['phone'])
if "fax" in el:
el['fax'] = re.sub(r'^00','+',el['phone'])
el['fax'] = re.sub(r'\(0\)','',el['phone'])
el['fax'] = '+'+re.sub(r'[ -//]','',el['phone'])
el['fax'] = re.sub(r'^\+430',"+43",el['phone'])
return el
def unique_users(filename):
users = set()
for _, element in ET.iterparse(filename):
if 'uid' in element.attrib:
return users
Number of tags¶
nd 282033, node 244588, tag 74900, way 18160, member 12949, relation 283, osm 1, note 1, meta 1, bounds 1
def audit_tag(filename):
cnt = Counter()
for event, elem in ET.iterparse(filename, events=("start",)):
cnt[elem.tag] += 1
Choose the data¶
To choose the accommodations, I’m using the tag key tourism and values ['hotel', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'apartment', 'hostel'].
Below are results for “node” and “way”:
Counter({'information': 468, 'viewpoint': 19, 'hotel': 13, 'artwork': 12, 'picnic_site': 8, 'chalet': 4, 'alpine_hut': 4, 'guest_house': 3, 'museum': 1, 'apartment': 1, 'camp_site': 1})
Counter({'alpine_hut': 60, 'hotel': 50, 'guest_house': 13, 'chalet': 5, 'apartment': 4, 'museum': 3, 'picnic_site': 2, 'information': 1, 'camp_site': 1, 'hostel': 1})
Here are also some MongoDB queries to obtain the statistics:
Most popular city
pipeline = [{"$group" : {"_id" : "$", "count" : {"$sum" : 1}}},
{"$sort" : {"count" : -1}},
{"$limit" : 1}]
Result: [{u'_id': u'Bad Gastein', u'count': 42}]
2 most populars postcodes:
pipeline = [{"$group" : {"_id" : "$address.postcode", "count" : {"$sum" : 1}}},
{"$sort" : {"count" : -1}},
{"$limit" : 2}]
Resutl: [{u'_id': u'5640', u'count': 32}, {u'_id': u'5630', u'count': 30}]
# Number of documents (accommodations)
> db.char.find().count()
# Number of nodes
# Number of ways
Other ideas about the datasets¶
As a hotel manager, I know exactly how important for the tourists to have accurate data about the accommodations. The travel agencies must always support the customers with the actual contact information. From the other side, companies who are doing business with the hotels might also win from the information about the potential customers. F.ex. I’ve used to implement WiFi solutions at the hotels and used hotel’s wifi scores from to target potential customers.
I like the opportunity Google Places API gave me to improve my data. I would work further with Google to extend contact information as well as crawl properties’ web pages to get more contact information (like facebook page) and some online travel agencies to get more information if the accommodation is open or not.
Adding more information from more sources bring more issues with cleaning the data. Even the case with Google and addresses was a great example of how clean the data was in OSM (clean but limited). I should write additional functions to clean google’s data as well (like post code)
Statistik Austria:
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